Structuralism and its Chinese ancestors: Traditional Chinese perception theories and the concept of structure (li) / Strukturalizem in njegovi kitajski predniki: tradicionalne kitajske teorije percepcije in koncept strukture (li)

<div><em><a href="">Jana S. Rošker</a></em></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>ANALI PAZU HD, let. 1, 2/2015, strani/pages 127-140</div><div>Celotno besedilo / Full text (<a href=""><span style="line-height: 119%; font-size: 13.0080003738403px;">PDF</span></a>)</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Povzetek:</strong> Pred vplivom zahodne miselnosti, ki se je vse močneje kazal po 18. stoletju, so bile kitajske epistemologije po svojem bistvu strukturalistični oziroma relacijski spoznavni sistemi. V tovrstnem modelu so spoznavni objekt relacije, ki formirajo razmeroma fiksno strukturo. Na Kitajskem je bil strukturni pristop do spoznanja izdelan že v obdobju antike. Formiran je bil kot abstraktni model, opredeljen s predpostavko o obstoju združljivosti (kompatibilnosti) med strukturami zunanjega sveta na eni, ter strukturami človeške zavesti na drugi strani. V takšnem videnju je strukturna kompatibilnost spoznavnega subjekta in objekta osnovni predpogoj človeškega zaznavanja in dojemanja sveta. Strukturna zveza med človeško zavestjo in zunanjo resničnostjo se je izražala v pojmu li理, ki je predstavljal temeljni koncept dinamične in vseobsegajoče strukture.</div><div><strong>Ključne besede: </strong>Struktura, koncept li, kitajska filozofija, strukturna kompatibilnost, kitajske teorije percepcije.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Abstract:</strong> Before the impact of Western thought which became increasingly strong after the 18th century, Chinese epistemologies were, in essence, structural or relational systems of comprehension. In such a view, the objet of perception are relations, forming a relative fixed structure. In China, the structural approach to comprehension had already been elaborated in ancient times. It has been developed as an abstract model conditioned by the supposition of an existing compatibility between the structures of the external world and those of the human mind. In such view, structural compatibility of the subject and the object of comprehension was the basic precondition of human perception. The structural link between human consciousness on the one, and the external reality on the other side, has been expressed by the term li 理, which was seen as a basic concept of dynamic and all-encompassing structure.</div><div><strong>Key words: </strong>Structure, the concept li, Chinese philosophy, structural compatibility, Chinese perception theories.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div>

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