Demografija nerazvite regije: depopulacija v Pomurju in staranje prebivalstva / The Demography Of Less Developed Region: Population Decline In Pomurje And Population Ageing
<div><em><a href="">Janez Malačič</a></em></div><div> </div><div>ANALI PAZU HD, let. 2, 1/2016, strani/pages 5-14</div><div>Celotno besedilo / Full text (<a href="</div><div> </div><div><strong>Povzetek:</strong> Pomurska statistična regija zaradi svojih geopolitičnih značilnosti omogoča dolgoročnejši študij regionalnega demografskega razvoja v Sloveniji kot druge statistične regije. V preteklem šestdesetletnem obdobju se je število prebivalstva v regiji zmanjšalo za okrog 11 %, v državi pa se je povečalo za okrog 37 %. Kljub tem razlikam v rasti pa je bil splošen razvoj prebivalstva v regiji in državi presenetljivo podoben. V obeh se je uveljavil moderni režim obnavljanja prebivalstva. Na ravni demografskih procesov so se med regijo in državo izrazile le manjše razlike v rodnosti in večje razlike v smrtnosti in pri migracijah, kar je povzročilo depopulacijo v regiji. Do izrazitega staranja prebivalstva je prišlo v regiji in državi, čeprav je bil ta proces močnejši v regiji. Kljub depopulaciji pa regija še ne kaže izrazitejšega neravnovesja med osnovnimi starostnimi skupinami prebivalstva. To daje več časa državi za sprejem politik in za prilagoditev posledicam prihodnje depopulacije v Sloveniji. Kljub temu pa se mora Slovenija hitreje in ustrezneje prilagajati hitrim demografskim spremembam v prihodnje.</div><div><strong>Ključne besede:</strong> Pomurska regija, demografski razvoj Pomurja, staranje prebivalstva, depopulacija.</div><div> </div><div><strong>Abstract:</strong> Pomurska region has been the most stable region in Slovenia since the early 1950s due to geopolitical reasons. Therefore, it is very good case for regional demographic study. The population of the region has declined by around 11 % since the middle of the 20th century while the population of Slovenia has increased by around 37 % in the same period. However, general population development has been surprisingly similar in both units studied in the paper. Modern demographic regime has prevailed in Pomurska region and Slovenia since the 1950s. Fertility differences have been relatively small between the region and the state. More important have been mortality and migration differences which have caused most of the differences in the population growth. Pomurska region and Slovenia have experienced profound population ageing in spite of the fact that the process has been stronger in the region. The population decline in the region has not destabilized yet the most basic relations between age groups of children, working adults and older population. Relatively slow demographic changes offer more time to the state for design, acceptance and implementation of the population policy necessary for combating the consequences of practically certain future population decline in Slovenia. Slovenian society simply needs proper accommodation to the threats of the future demographic imbalances.</div><div><strong>Key words:</strong> Pomurska region, demographic development of Pomurje, population ageing, population decline.</div><div> </div><div> </div>