ANALI PAZU HD, let./Vol. 7, 1-2/2021, strani/pages 9-33

Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)


Globalne krize, h kakršnim sodi tudi pandemija korona virusa, ki povzroča smrtonosno virozo COVID-19, nikoli niso zgolj enoznačen ali enodimenzionalen problem, ki bi ga bilo možno reševati zgolj z medicinskimi, biološkimi in imunološkimi ukrepi. Za učinkovito zajezitev epidemij velikih razsežnosti je vsekakor pomembna tudi družbena etika, ne zgolj v pogledu triaže in podobnih etičnih dilem, temveč tudi v pogledu družbenih etik, ki sodijo k zgodovinsko vzpostavljenim modelom medčloveških interakcij v določeni skupnosti. Pri zajezitvi epidemij je namreč pomembna tudi stopnja ponotranjenja vrednot medčloveške solidarnosti in kooperacije s strani večine posamezni/c določene skupnosti. Etični modeli, ki prevladujejo v posamičnih družbah, so idejnozgodovinsko in kulturno pogojeni. Zato nam lahko transkulturne študije nudijo dragocene vpoglede v notranji ustroj različnih tipov tovrstnih modelov. Kot primer tovrstnega modela pričujoči članek kritično predstavi in analizira model tradicionalne konfucijanske relacionalistične etike oziroma etike vlog, ki nam lahko služi kot ena od osnov za izdelavo novih strategij v soočanju s trenutno in možnimi bodočimi pandemijami.   


Ključne besede: transkulturna etika, pandemija, COVID-19, konfucijanstvo, relacionalizem



A Transcultural Approach to the Solving of Social and Ethical Aspects of Pandemics through the Lens of the Confucian Model of Relational Ethics 


Global crises such as the coronavirus pandemic, which causes a potentially fatal viral disease Covid-19, can never be seen as a one-dimensional or unambiguous problem that could only be solved through medical, biological, or immunological measures. For effective containment of large-scale epidemics, social ethics is also of paramount importance, not only in terms of the problems posed by various decisions regarding triage and similar dilemmas, but simply due to the fact that various ethical systems are part of the historically established models of interpersonal interactions in any human community. In the processes aimed at containing epidemics, we must also take into account the particular degree of incorporated values of interpersonal solidarity and cooperation that prevail in different societies and cultures. Ethical models that prevail in different societies are historically and culturally conditioned. Therefore, transcultural studies can provide us with valuable insights into the internal structure of different types of such models. As an example of such a model, this paper critically presents and analyses the model of traditional Confucian relational ethics (or role ethics), which can serve us as one of the possible bases for creating new strategies against the current and possible future pandemics.


Keywords: transcultural ethics, pandemics, Covid-19, Confucianism, relationalism


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