Manager za zdravje-Modna muha ali nuja za podjetja / Manager for Health-Buzzword or Necessity for Companies

ANALI PAZU HD, let. 3, 1/2017, strani/pages 17-38
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)

Povzetek:Človeški kapital je nevidno premoženje, ki doprinese k višanju inovativnosti, produktivnosti ter k višji zaposljivosti in predstavlja individualno značilnost posameznika ne glede na starostno obdobje. Pomen človeškega kapitala v družbi so že v letu 1995 potrdile analize Svetovne banke, ki so pokazale, da človeški kapital predstavlja v visoko razvitih državah povprečno 67% celotnega bogastva države in presega delež fizičnega kapitala. Zato staranje ljudi skupaj s skrbjo za njihovo zdravje in posledično dobro počutje predstavlja pomemben izziv; njegovo obvladovanje ali ne-obvladovanje pa bo imelo ekonomske in socialne posledice. Eden izmed načinov obvladovanja zdravja, varnosti na delovnem mestu in dobrega počutja je zagotovo oblikovanje funkcije managerja za zdravje v podjetju, katerega skrb se bo nanašala na aktivnosti, ki so usmerjene na človeka (zaposlenega), na njegovo telo, dušo in duha. Osnovna naloga managerja za zdravje so naložbe v povečano zdravstveno motivacijo zaposlenih, spodbujanje delovnega vzdušja in povečanje socialnih kompetenc. Rezultat je klasična win-win situacija za zaposlene z zagotavljanjem večjega fizičnega in psihičnega dobrega počutja, ki se odraža v nižji stopnji stresa na delovnem mestu. Pomen in hkrati potrebo po uvajanju managerja za zdravje v okolje organizacij poudarja, v okviru zdravstvenih ciljev, tudi Svetovna organizacija za zdravje, ki pravi, da je strateški pristop k managerju za zdravje, potreben in v skladu s svetovno vizijo "zdravje za vse".
Zdravstveno stanje zaposlenih v slovenskih podjetjih smo preverili tudi z raziskavo na podlagi vprašalnika za zdravje, ki jasno pred podjetja postavlja izziv, da se bolj sistematično in celovito soočimo s problemi zdravja in varnosti zaposlenih na delovnem mestu in ne samo v okviru programov promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu. Zato je manager za zdravje, ki vodi službo za zdravje in obvladovanje varnosti, primerno celovit izziv za obvladovanje tega področja.

Ključne besede: zdravje, psihično dobro počutje, zaposleni, manager za zdravje, promocija zdravja management zdravja.


Abstract: Human capital is an invisible property that contributes to higher innovation, productivity and employability and represents an individual characteristic of the individual, regardless of age bracket. The importance of human capital in the company have already in 1995 confirmed the analysis of the World Bank, which show that human capital represents in highly developed countries, an average of 67% of the total wealth of the country and is higher than the share of physical capital. Therefore is the aging of people, together with the care for their health and well-being a significant challenge; its management or non-management will have economic and social consequences. One way of managing health and safety at the workplace and wellbeing is certainly the design of the function of manager for health of in the company, whose concern will be related to activities that are focused to human (employee), on his body, soul and spirit. The basic task of manager for health are investments in increased employee health motivation, encouraging working atmosphere and increasing of social competencies.
The result is a classic win-win situation for employees by providing higher physical and mental well-being, which is reflected in a lower level of stress at the workplace. Meaning and the need for the introduction of manager for health in environment of organizations stresses out, within the health goals, also the World Health Organization, that points out that the strategic approach to the manager for health, necessary and in accordance with a global vision - "health for all".
We have studied the health status of employees in Slovenian companies with a survey based on a health questionnaire, which clearly prior to the company puts the challenge, to confront with the problems of occupational health and safety at the workplace more systematically and comprehensively, and not only in the context of health promotion programs at workplace. Therefore, the manager of the health that leads the department for health and safety management, reasonable overall challenge for the management of this area.

Key words: health, psychical well-being, employee, manager for health, health promotion, health management.


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