Primerjava pandemije covid-19 z vojno paradigmo/Comparison of the covid-19 pandemic with the war paradigm

ANALI PAZU HD, let./Vol. 7, 1-2/2021, strani/pages 51-70

Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)


Leto 2020, in kot kaže tudi 2021, bo ostalo zaznamovano s pandemijo covid-19. Gre za bolezen, ne vojno, vendar se kot raziskovalni izziv pojavlja vprašanje, ali pandemijo lahko in smemo primerjati z vojno paradigmo in njenimi obrambno-vojaškimi implikacijami ter iskati stične točke s sodobnimi civilizacijskimi izzivi obeh. Vojna paradigma se je s prehodom v novo tisočletje in pred tem z razpadom bipolarnosti in blokovske delitve sveta dodobra transformirala. Pojav hibridne vojne je v zadnjem desetletju vojno paradigmo spremenil do nerazpoznavnosti in jo obenem močno približal nekaterim implikacijam, ki se pojavijo s pandemijo covida-19. Kot pri pojavu vojne, ki se ji želimo učinkovito zoperstaviti, zahteva obvladovanje pandemije krizno upravljanje, in to najboljše. V tem je tudi jedro razumevanja in pogledov, kako pandemijo obvladovati. Ob tem pa se poleg soočanja s pandemijo in boleznijo covid-19, soočimo še z infodemijo ter izzivom obvladovanja strahu in poslušnosti.

V prispevku izpostavljamo nekatere ugotovitve iz primerjalne analize pandemije covid-19 z vojno paradigmo. V razpravi pa še ugotovitve iz primerov ukrepanja, izkoriščenimi in tudi izgubljenimi priložnostmi ter izzivi, ki se pojavljajo kot neizogibni transformerji (transformacija) na nekaterih družbenih področjih. Pri tem so osrednji izzivi zagotavljanje odpornosti družbe in strategija njenega doseganja ter ohranjanje doseženih standardov človekovih pravic.

Ključne besede: covid-19, pandemija, epidemija, infodemija, vojna paradigma, hibridna vojna, transformacija, odpornost družbe, krizno upravljanje.

Comparison of the covid-19 pandemic with the war paradigm


Year 2020, and as it appears 2021, will remain marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is a disease, not a war, but as a research challenge, the question arises, whether a pandemic can and should be compared to the war paradigm and its defensive-military implications, and to look for points of contact with the modern civilizational challenges of both. The war paradigm has transformed completely with the transition to a new millennium and before that with the collapse of bipolarity and the block division of the world. The emergence of hybrid warfare has changed the paradigm of war in the last decade to be indisclosable, and at the same time brought it very close to some of the implications that arise with the Covida-19 pandemic. Successful cope of pandemic it requires the best crisis management, such as with the emergence of war, which we want to fight effectively. This is also the core of understanding and views of how the pandemic is managed. In addition to confronting the pandemic and the covid-19 disease, we face an infodemia and the challenge of managing fear and obedience.

The paper highlights some of the findings from the comparative analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic with the war paradigm. The discussion also includes findings from examples of action, exploited and also lost opportunities and challenges that emerge as inevitable transformers (transformation) in certain areas of society. The main challenges are ensuring the resilience of society and the strategy for achieving it and maintaining the standards of human rights that are achieved.

Keywords: covid-19, pandemic, epidemic, infodemia, war paradigm, hybrid war, transformation, society resilience, crisis management.


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