Izobraževanje - družbena samorefleksija / Education as social self - reflection
ANALI PAZU HD, let./Vol. 5, 1-2/2020, strani/pages 65-78
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Znotraj evropske skupnosti danes govorimo o investicijski državi in ne več o socialni državi, kot smo še v nedavni preteklosti. Prav tako razpravljamo o spreminjanju osebnosti, zato je v najnovejši dobi, ki se samovšečno imenuje posthistorična doba po izteku utopij, dvestoletne zgodbe revolucij in sesutju socializma boljševiškega izvora (1789−1989), zelo pogosta beseda individualizacija − s prizvokom izrazite nesolidarne, egoistične drže − in ne več družba, saj družbe kot take naj sploh ne bi bilo; so samo posamezniki in družboslovje skupaj s humanistko naj bi pomenilo predvsem nekakšno nadziranje družbe. Mnoge je privatizacijski zagon z vsem svojim priseganjem na individualizacijo pripeljal do spoznanja, da vsa smejoča in hahljajoča se demokracija, odeta v belino kalodontnega nasmeška, ni nič drugega kot simptom represivne družbe.
Ključne besede: akademsko izobraževanje, bolonjski študij, reforma univerze, solidarnost, Theodor W. Adorno.
Within European Community, it has become increasingly more common to speak of Investment State rather than Welfare State. Likewise, it has become more topical to discuss the change of personality. This is why the present time – narcissistically called the post-historic age, after the end of utopias and after two centuries of revolution and the fall of the socialism of Bolshevik origin (1789-1989) – sees a frequent use of the word individualisation (with a pejorative connotation of extremely non-solidary, egotistic bearing), which has replaced the word society. The reason for this is the basic contention that society as such does not exist. What exists is individuals, and the role of social sciences and humanities mostly implies some kind of control over society. The privatisation process with its affirmative stance toward individualisation has seen many a scholar come to realize that the grinning democracy, clothed in the white robes of artificial smile, is all but a symptom of a repressive society.
Key words: academic education, Bologna studies, university reform, solidarity, Theodor W. Adorno.