Konkurenčna prepoved in konkurenčna klavzula / Prohibition of competition and non-compete clause
<div><a href="http://www.pazu.si/predstavitev/?id=8200"><em>Darja Senčur Peček</em></a></div><div> </div><div>ANALI PAZU HD, let. 2, 1/2016, strani/pages 27-43</div><div>Celotno besedilo / Full text (<a href="/sites/default/files/Anali_PAZU_HD2_1_Sencur.pdf">PDF</a>)</div><div> </div><div><p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Povzetek:</strong> Delavec je dolžan v času trajanja delovnega razmerja opustiti vsako ravnanje, ki bi lahko škodovalo delodajalcu. Gre za delavčevo obveznost lojalnosti do delodajalca. Izraz te delavčeve obveznosti lojalnosti je tudi prepoved konkurenčne dejavnosti.Delavcu je tako že po samem zakonu prepovedano opravljati dejavnost, ki bi lahko predstavljala konkurenco za delodajalca, razen če delodajalec s tem soglaša. Navedena prepoved delavca zavezuje samo v času trajanja delovnega razmerja. V določenih primerih ima delodajalec upravičen interes, da delavcu prepreči konkurenčno delovanje tudi po prenehanju delovnega razmerja. Gre predvsem za delavce, ki so pri svojem delu pri delodajalcu dobili vpogled v določene postopke oziroma ravnanja, ki so pomembne za konkurenčno sposobnost podjetja. V takšnih primerih se lahko delavec in delodajalec s t. i. konkurenčno klavzulo v pogodbi o zaposlitvi dogovorita o tem, da delavec določen čas po prenehanju delovnega razmerja ne bo opravljal konkurenčne dejavnosti, pri kateri bi koristil znanja in zveze, ki jih je pridobil pri bivšem delodajalcu. Prispevek obravnava veljavno zakonsko ureditev konkurenčne prepovedi in konkurenčne klavzule, analizira sodno prakso v zvezi z navedenima institutoma, izpostavlja pravne probleme, ki se pojavljajo pri njunem uveljavljanju ter nakaže možne rešitve.<br /><strong>Ključne besede:</strong> konkurenčna prepoved, konkurenčna klavzula, nadomestilo, delavec, delodajalec, delovno razmerje.</p><strong>Abstract:</strong> For the duration of the employment relationship, an employee is obliged to refrain from all actions that could harm the employer. This is the so-called employee's duty of loyalty to the employer. An expression of the employee's duty of loyalty is also a prohibition of competitive activity. An employee is already forbidden by law to carry out an activity that could represent competition for the employer, without the the employer's consent. This prohibition only applies for the duration of the employment relationship. In certain cases, an employer has a legitimate interest to prevent an employee from performing competitive activity even after the termination of the employment relationship. This mostly applies to employees who have during their work with the employer gained an insight into certain procedures or practices that are relevant to the competitive capacity of the company. In such cases, the employee and the employer may agree with the so-called competition clause in the employment contract that, for a certain period after the termination of the employment relationship, the employee will not perform competitive activity where he would benefit from the knowledge and business connections gained with the former employer. The article discusses currently valid regulation of the prohibition of competition and non-compete clause, analyses case law related to these institutions, highlights legal problems that arise in their application, and suggests possible solutions.<br /><strong>Key words:</strong> prohibition of competition, non-compete clause, compensation, employee, employer, employment relationship.</div><div> </div>