Uprava državne varnosti (UDV) v okraju Gornja Radgona 1945-1950 / National Security Agency in District Gornja Radgona 1945-1950
ANALI PAZU HD, let./Vol. 6, 1-2/2020, strani/pages 1-35
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Vzpostavljanje nove politične ureditve po koncu druge svetovne vojne je bilo v cilju enopartijskega sistema s Komunistično partijo Jugoslavije (KPJ) kot edino in vodilno politično stranko. KPJ je imela za varovanje novega družbenega sistema represivne subjekte: UDV (Uprava državne varnosti), NM (Narodna milica), KNOJ (Korpus narodne obrambe Jugoslavije), tožilstva, sodišča in zapore. Izvedla je tudi nasilno izselitev apaških Nemcev v začetku 1946. leta ter kolonizacijo na to območje z naseljenci iz drugih območij Slovenije. Nasprotnike novega režima je KPJ videla v katoliški cerkvi, velikih kmetih in ilegalnih skupinah. Prav UDV je s svojo razvejano mrežo čez 400 sodelavcev (informatorji, agenti, ožje zveze), ki so delovali javno in prikrito v okraju kot tudi v Radgonskem kotu, odkrivala in sodiščem predajala resnične in domnevne nasprotnike novega režima.
Ključne besede: Okraj Gornja Radgona, UDV, pooblaščenec, informatorji, agenti ožje zveze.
Establishing a new political system after the Second World War was the main purpose of the one-party system with the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) as the sole and leading political party. In order to protect the new social - political system, the CPY had repressive forces: the National Security Agency (UDV), the People's Militia (NM), the People's Defence Corps of Yugoslavia (KNOJ), prosecutor's offices, courts and prisons. At the beginning of 1946, it carried out forceful eviction of the German population in the Apače region and colonized the area with settlers from other parts of Slovenia. For the CPY, the Catholic Church, big farmers and illegal groups were opponents to the new regime. The UDV in particular, with its wide network of over 400 collaborators (informants, agents, close connections), who operated openly and covertly in the district as well as in the Radgona Corner, had the task of detecting and surrendering to the court the real and alleged opponents of the new regime.
Key words: District Gornja Radgona, National Security Agency, proxy, informants, agents, close connections.