Vpliv digitalizacije na trg dela in socialno varnost zaposlenih / The impact of digitalization on the labor market and social security of employees

ANALI PAZU HD, let./Vol. 5, 1-2/2020, strani/pages 35-63
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)


Nove tehnologije bistveno spreminjajo načine življenja in dela, pa tudi načine razmišljanja in dojemanja sebe in sveta okrog nas (Pogačar, 2017). V celoti ne moremo natančno predvideti, kakšna bo prihodnost dela, vendar se spremembe že dogajajo in zahtevajo upravljanje. Zagotovo pa vemo, da se na trgu dela zaradi digitalizacije povečujejo prekarne oblike dela, zaradi katerih se zmanjšuje dostop delavcev do sistemov socialne varnosti. Namreč, na trgu dela so se pojavili novi strukturni izzivi, ki povečujejo prepad med zaposlenimi, ki opravljajo delo na podlagi pogodbe o trajni zaposlitvi, in tistimi, ki delo opravljajo v drugih oblikah dela, ki so običajno prekarne. (Poglajen, 2017)

Raziskave prav tako kažejo, da se na delovnih mestih vse bolj povečujejo tako časovni pritiski kot tudi obseg dela. Nove tehnologije vodijo v vse pogostejše zahteve po stalni dostopnosti. Navedeno vodi v razraščanje psihosocialnih dejavnikov tveganja v delovnem okolju. Ljudje torej delajo pod stalnim pritiskom kratkih rokov, zahtevnosti kompleksnih nalog in v nepredvidljivih razmerah. Vse to se odraža potem tudi v njihovem zdravstvenem stanju. Gre v bistvu za to, da uporaba tehnologije na delovnem mestu lahko več kot ogrozi produktivnost - lahko zmanjša telesno in duševno počutje zaposlenih, saj slabo vpliva na spanje, povzroča anksioznost in depresijo, itd., čeprav ima uporaba digitalne tehnologije z vidika ergonomije in zagotavlja varnosti in zdravja na delovnem mestu veliko prednosti.

Neupoštevanje nevarnosti prekarnosti in težav z zdravjem ter družbenimi odnosi je znak šibkega upoštevanja družbene odgovornosti vplivnih ljudi in njihovih organizacij, vključno z vladnimi organi.

Ključne besede: digitalizacija, trg dela, socialna varnost, zaposleni, družbena odgovornost.


New technologies significantly change the ways of life and work, as well as the ways of thinking and perceiving ourselves and the world around us (Pogačar, 2017). We are unable to fully predict the future of work, but changes are already in motion and require management. Certainly, we know that due to the increasing digitization influences on increasing of precarious forms of work, which reduces workers' access to social security systems. Namely, on the labor market we have brought new structural challenges that increase the gap between employees who work under a contract of permanent employment, and those who work in other types of work that are usually precarious (Poglajen, 2017).

Research also shows that in workplaces all the more increase the both the time pressures as well as the scope of work. New technologies lead to growing demands for permanent availability. The foregoing leads to the overgrowth of psychosocial risk factors in the work environment. People, therefore, working under the constant pressure of short deadlines, the complexity of complex tasks and unpredictable situations. All of this is reflected then in their health status. It is basically for this that the use of technology in the workplace may be more than undermine productivity - can reduce the physical and mental well-being of employees because a bad impact on sleep, causing anxiety and depression, etc, though the use of digital technology from the viewpoint of ergonomics and provides the safety and health at the workplace a lot of advantages.

Disregarding the dangers of chaos and health problems and social relations is a sign of weakly taking into account social responsibility of influential people and their organizations, including government bodies.

Key words: digitization, labour market, social security, employees, social responsibility.

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